The Translations page allows you to carry out the following:
•Edit any existing text in BusPlanner Web, for any activated language.
•Load any additional texts introduced in a new update of BusPlanner Web.
•Reset all translations to the out-of-the-box defaults.

Note: The Auto / Invariant language indicates the automatic texts that appear if a user's computer is set to a language that does not exist in BusPlanner Web.
To edit the text that appears on BusPlanner Web for any language. To this, browse to the Translations, then find and edit the Translation Set corresponding to the text in question:
1.Enter the text you wish to edit in Search by Text. For example, if you wish to change the Use this form to contact the transportation department text on the Contact page, enter that text. Click Filter.
2.Browse to the correct Translation Set. If there are multiple translation sets with the same text, you will have to select the appropriate record from the dropdown.
Tip: Typically, the translation set will correspond to the page in question. For example, for the Contact page text, the translation set is Contact.aspx.
3.View the translation text below the table, which should show in all of the available languages.
4.Check on 'Customized' in order to edit the text in the relevant languages below, then click Save.

Important: Adding new translations, copying or and deleting Translations are advanced tools that should not be used in day-to-day management of translations.
•Translations that are in the GlobalResourceSet translation set can be overridden to provide a translation for a specific page in BusPlanner Web.
oTranslations in this translation set are usually used in a number of places. This allows an override for just a specific page without affecting the other places that it is used.
oThe Delete feature allows you to remove that customization if it is no longer needed.
•If you believe you need to use one of these options, please contact BusPlanner Support first.
• If you are creating a new translation for a specific page, make sure the Translation Set and Translation ID do not contain any spaces. |
•Upgrading BusPlanner Web to 11.10 for the first time will reset customized translations to the BusPlanner Web defaults, but users have the ability to customize translations and retrieve from old translations in the process. Follow the process in the Transitioning BusPlanner Web Translations to 11.10 section below to restore previously customized translations.
•The Refresh Translations Cache and the Update Translations buttons will not generally be needed in the regular operation of BusPlanner Web. The translations cache and the automatic Update Translation feature should happen automatically. These buttons are safe to click and will not remove any customized translations.

•Refresh Translations Cache - This will load any text resources included in a newly updated version of BusPlanner Web that may be missing from your site.
•Update Translations - This will update the Auto translation based on the language code selected.
Note: This will change the language seen by users whose machine language does not correspond to a language in your BusPlanner Web. |
Upgrading BusPlanner Web to version 11.10 will reset most translations to BusPlanner defaults, but users have the ability to customize translations and retrieve from old translations in the process. The process to restore any required customizations to the previous values is
convenient and easy but will need to be done one by one.
To do this:
1.As an Administrator, navigate to the Translations page in the Site Administration menu.
2.Search for the specific translation using the convenient “Search by Text” option.
3.Select the translation option in the table.
4.View the translation text below the table, which should show in all of the available languages.
5.If you want to customize them, check on the Customized check box.
6.If there was a difference previously in the text for this translation, a pop-up will appear asking if you want to restore from the backup. Click "Yes" on this popup and your previous customizations will appear.
Note: Click no if you want to make the translation manually. None of your customizations will be reset in future updates.
7.Click the Save button. |